Presenting Prada Replica Handbags Spring Summer 2016 Ad Campaign – check out the new handbags for the next season.
We’re seeing more and more fresh new bags from Prada recently – we mean in different shapes, designs and styles. And though we still love the Prada Saffiano Lux Tote bag, we should also try the new tastes.
You will love the new Shoulder bag – designed with a front flap and exclusive large front clasp. The bag comes with a silver chain strap and on the top a leather strap for comfy shoulder carry. The strap is embellished with studs.
What I love about the design is the minimalistic approach and the large designer closure. It’s crafted to use as an everyday Replica Bags, for the casual days or the evenings and for work. The material looks very promising too, it looks durable and strong. Check out the other bags, more info will come soon, and let us know what you think.